Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What's RepSpinner All About?

RepSpinner is a really effective new service that I happened to stumble across by accident, while on shoemoney.com. Basically they promise to be able to dramatically improve your 'online reputation'. How is this done? By making a bunch of positive articles show up for you on the first page of Google. This way, when someone searches your name on Google (happens more than you might think) they'll get a better 'impression' of you than before.

The guys at RepSpinner all seem very knowledgeable with SEO and are very very very good at what they do. Of course, there are still some limitations. They can't help you if your name has millions of results in Google, for example. It would take too much effort to get their pages up to the front of Google. But, for the majority of people with names that aren't super-common, they can help you out heaps.

So overall I would recommend taking a look at RepSpinner. You can get a free quote for your project, so you can see how easy or hard it would be for them to do.